标志是基于矢量的. They are fully editable and scalable without losing resolution.Fonts are not included but you can obtain free from specific websites that indicated in the font links file....
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这种字体非常适合女性化的项目 & girly themes! You can play with the ligatures and stylistic alternate to create your own customized lettering. 把它添加到你最具创造力的地方
徽标规范包括文件格式,如 .ai, .eps, .psd, .jpg, .png, and .txt. 全矢量,可编辑的颜色,CMYK,打印准备. 使用的免费字体:Montserrat和Roboto.
Lettertype is a display serif font with a mixed modern classic style and has many "stylistic alternates".The core of this font is a condensed style and amazing experiment display serif style,

比利时-现代经典字体 by PradiptaCreative

比利时衬线是一个经典,魅力和花哨的字体. 这种字体将是完美的标志设计, branding, clothing, signage, posters, 婚礼请柬等等!
nonplous -好玩的显示字体
Nonplussed是一种随意而有趣的字体! This font works perfectly for anyone who needs a font for headlines, logotype, apparel, invitations, branding, packaging, advertising, and more.

里程碑-现代经典字体 by PradiptaCreative

Milestone Serif is a classic, glamour and fancy font. 这种字体将是完美的使用您的标志设计, branding, clothing, signage, header, posters, 婚礼请柬等
博客最小模板Figma. Beautiful and innovative blog, which was created under new trends. We tried to create a template that will suit everyone and in any direction of your...