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OpenCart 1.5.x. How to remove/hide sidebar from specific page(s)

Ivy van Westerholt August 29, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to remove or hide sidebar from specific pages in OpenCart 1.5.x.

  1. We will remove the sidebar from Special Offers page. We can see Account and Latest in the sidebar. So we will look for such modules in admin panel.

  2. Please, log into your Admin panel.

  3. Navigate to Extensions -> Modules.

  4. Look up the Account module and click on Edit.

  5. Special Offers page inherits default layout. Therefore we need to disable it under Default layout and save changes.

  6. Same needs to be done with Latest module. So find the module in the list and click Edit.

  7. Now disable it under Default layout and save changes.

  8. Please refresh Special Offers page.

  9. As you can see, sidebar was removed successfully.


This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to remove/hide sidebar from specific page in OpenCart 1.5.x.

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Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

OpenCart 1.5.x. How to remove/hide sidebar from specific page(s)
OpenCart Responsive Themes
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