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Joomla 3.x Troubleshooter. Duplicated menu title while creating a separator menu item

Kristy Smith November 19, 2014
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This tutorial will show you how to solve the duplicated menu title issue while creating a Text Separator menu item.

Joomla 3.x Troubleshooter. Duplicated menu title while creating a separator menu item

The issue may happen when you need to create a non-clickable menu item (text separator).

Log into your Joomla admin panel. Go to Menus, then open a menu you need. Click Add New.

Select Text Separator menu item type.

Then, check your website. You see that your menu Text is duplicated:


To fix this issue, go to your Filemanager and open /modules/mod_superfish_menu/tmpl/default_separator.php file.

Here you will see line 23. Replace this line:

title); ?>

with this line:

title); ?>>

Save your file then.

Also, you can just replace your default_separator.php file with the already edtied one: download.

Check your site please. Menu item text is not duplicated now:


Thank you for watching our tutorial. Now you know how to solve the duplicated menu item issue after creating a text separator menu item.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x Troubleshooter. Duplicated menu title while creating a separator menu item

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