Join Templateog体育首页 Affiliate Program - Get up to 30% Commissions

Have a website and want to monetize its traffic? Want to promote your marketplace products?


Get up to 30% share from the sales your leads make; we will help you make it to the top!

Commission for any user's first purchase
10% Commission on returning users
Trusted By
165,000 Affiliates

Why Become a Templateog体育首页 Affiliate

Templateog体育首页 has become a one-stop source of web design, development, and marketing products and services. 人们将我们的品牌名称与最大的网站模板集合联系在一起, graphics, plugins, and other digital items. 我们欢迎您成为我们联盟社区的一部分,共同成长. Here is what we promise.

personal assistance

Get personal assistance from your affiliate manager

earn commission

Earn commission from sub-affiliate sales

gain free access

Gain free access to all promotion tools

track statistics and sales

Track statistics and sales in the affiliate dashboard

How It Works

Templateog体育首页市场为附属合作伙伴提供了有利的条款和条件. 除了为初次客户的购买支付30%的佣金, 我们为您提供一套免费的工具,以帮助您进行在线推广和营销. The application process is easy; just follow these simple steps.

Sign up for the program


Share your unique referral URL


Check the statistics

Track the traffic you send and see the related sales. The more leads you refer, the more profit you get.

Earn commission

Earn up to 30% commission for all new purchases, analyze your campaigns, and promote the highest-converting products.
Get a Unique URL

Affiliate Tools for Everyone

让我们用这些免费的附属工具来推动你的推广活动. 使用我们的横幅,创建文章和展示,设置弹出窗口,视频,社交媒体帖子等. 如果您觉得我们需要扩展这套工具,请告诉我们, and we will suggest the best custom advertising options.

affiliate tutorials image
affiliate comparison articles image
Comparison articles
affiliate reviews image
affiliate article updates image
Article updates
affiliate banners image
Static or animated banners
affiliate Top bar/Hello bar image
Top bar/Hello bar
affiliate pop-ups image
affiliate featuring themes image
Featuring themes
Video content for your YouTube channel
Facebook, Telegram, Pinterest, VK等社交媒体帖子
Adding affiliate URLs in the Partners block
Landing pages for partners
Promo campaigns
Email newsletter
Social media posts
Section with exclusive offers from our partner

Templateog体育首页 Affiliates’ Success Stories

avatar Entheosweb Entheosweb.Com Banners

Template og体育首页 has made many of my dreams come true. 由于我做得很好,我可以和我丈夫一起去美国旅行2个月. 我也能够用从Template og体育首页中赚取的佣金购买自己的房子和办公室.

avatar Aigars Silkalns Aigars Silkalns Articles & Video

Templateog体育首页 makes beautiful, 专业和通用的模板,很容易推荐和推广. 他们有大量不同的模板可供选择,你总能找到适合你项目的模板.

avatar David Attard David Attard Articles & Video

At CollectiveRay, 我们真的发现与Templateog体育首页和他们的联盟计划的工作是一个极好的和有益的经验, which truly pays. 我们觉得我们是合作伙伴,而不仅仅是这家公司的附属机构. 为了帮助我们取得成功,他们付出了很多努力.

avatar Martijn Munneke Martijn Munneke Articles & Video

Templateog体育首页增长巨大,但仍然保持高效,反应非常迅速. 附属支持人员总是快速讨论问题或通过电子邮件回答我们的问题. 感谢他们伟大的产品和专业的支持,这对我们的联盟成功是无价的.

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优惠券加交易是幸运的优惠券合作伙伴,并成为Templateog体育首页的附属计划的一部分. Thanks to the good care from partner by giving us advice, marketing materials, and easy-to-track form to follow our performance, 优惠券加交易每年都获得了许多销售额,为两个网站带来了互惠互利.

avatar CouponUpto CouponUpto Banners

CouponUpto很荣幸能与Templateog体育首页合作. 他们的联盟计划给两个网站都带来了很多好处. 他们提供时尚的模板,有很高的销售转化率, helping us enjoy a lot of offers from them.

Sign up & Start Making Money NOW

Frequently Asked Questions

Templateog体育首页 welcomes everyone to join. No matter if you are a web developer, a web designer, marketing specialist, YouTube blogger, 或者是一个网页设计工作室的老板-欢迎你加入.
To sign up, follow the link.
附属链接是您的标识符,它记录了您使用推荐链接产生的销售. 例如,Templateog体育首页附属链接在末尾具有以下后缀 ?aff=your_affiliate_ID
Templateog体育首页 affiliate partners can use articles, videos, banners, social media posts, showcases, top bars, and many other free tools.
Cookies are saved for 60 days. As part of the Templateog体育首页 Affiliate program, 你赚取30佣金的任何用户的第一次销售与您的链接放置, and 10% commission on further purchases.
Yes, you earn a 5% commission from every sub-affiliate.
Templateog体育首页联盟计划支持不同的支付方式- PayPal, Bank / Wire Transfer, WebMoney.
· To start verification, 您需要上传确认您身份的官方政府或法律文件(可以是您当前的护照), national ID card, 驾驶执照或其他政府签发的有效文件).
·发送付款请求后,需要5-10个工作日支付佣金. 核实您的详细信息或怀疑申请人有任何非法活动需要一些时间.
是的,您可以随意使用Google Adwords或其他PPC活动来达到此目的. Using Google Adwords for the promotion, 你可能不会在意“templatemonster”或PPC活动中的变体或拼写错误. Also, 当您引导您的域名访问者访问Templateog体育首页时,您不得转发或屏蔽您的域名.
Yes, you can! Send an email to and your manager will assist you in any questions.