Looking for a flat pre-made design with all the necessary tools to power your electronics 商店? Consider Computer Store Magento Theme that has clean layouts and powerful yet flexible structure. An...
销售: 64
支持: 4.1/5
Compex Magento theme is an ultimate solution for 商店s selling high-tech wares such as smartphones, 平板电脑, 计算机和其他硬件. 它实现了时尚的半平面设计.e. 平的元素...
销售: 19
支持: 3/5
这个电脑硬件模板是一个清晰的Magento, easy-to-navigate solution equipped with a full package of eCommerce features. 内置的下拉购物车提供了对所选项目的快速访问...
销售: 20
支持: 3/5
Computer Hardware is a premium-quality website template with high-class design and ultimate functionality. It is perfectly tailored for a variety of 在线 商店s electronics, cars, sport, music,...
销售: 24
支持: 3/5


Using website templates can greatly help you make your job easier in creating your website with unique content and design. 正如上面所写的, 购买一个或另一个模板后, 你可以改变, correct and optimize it so that your work and your efforts will make the web resource truly unique.

也, when developing your own web-resource or trading platform on your own, you will absolutely need to familiarize yourself with the standards of the HTML programming language layout features, 学习和研究HTML编辑器的原理, 开始与Adobe Photo商店图形编辑器密切合作, 学习PHP编程和使用MySQL数据库.

Our 电脑 Magento themes are well-tuned and will pleasantly surprise you with their ease of editing.

个人电脑的特点 & 笔记本电脑销售Magento主题


  • 谷歌字体. 使您能够超越所提供的正常字体. 您还可以自定义调色板以匹配您的品牌.
  • 下拉菜单. 这种类型的菜单是一个伟大的功能. This menu can contain many 项目 and take up a minimum of space on the site layout. This will allow users to move gradually to the desired information without confusing them. 也, this menu is adaptive and will work competently on any device or browser.
  • 清洁, valid HTML 5 code enriched with the best-inbuilt SEO features for your website to keep its rankings at the top.
  • 社交媒体分享图标. 社交网络是一个巨大的市场. 人 buy or find a lot of goods through 脸谱网, 推特 or others. You give your customers the opportunity to distribute your website and thus advertise it.


提供电脑的网上商店, 笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, and components details demand a special approach to their layouts. 清洁 minimalism is preferable, as it is associated with high technologies and professionality. 浏览电脑Magento模板, you will notice that the effect is reached by hidden drop-down menus and links revealing essential content on user's demand.

电子商务网站创建与PC & 笔记本电脑销售Magento模板:提示和技巧

The 电脑 Magento templates are compatible with all popular Magento engine versions and contain simple intelligible admin panels, where you can insert all necessary amendments and editions to make the 商店 even more suitable for your particular commercial requirements. The fact that the platform is open-source allows adding even more great features to your 商店 in the future as plenty of new plugins and widgets appear each day on the web. 

Choose the best 电脑 Magento templates and create a successful eCommerce website right now!




Where can I see real-time websites that use your 电脑 Magento templates?

Unfortunately, the company's privacy policy does not provide such data. 您将获得与模板相同的设计和功能.

If I need help installing a template with site 电脑 Magento templates. 谁能帮我做这件事?

我们可以为你做这件事,但要额外收费. You can find this service on the application page, and you can add it. 我们还可以向网站添加必要的内容.


SEO optimization is a must-have for current promotion on the 互联网. 多亏了这个特性, 你的网店在搜索引擎中占据较高的位置, and a wider audience sees it in the first pages of the 搜索 results. As a result, your company becomes more popular and gets more new customers from the global web.


我们为您的PC收集了10+有用的工具 & Laptop 出售s Magento 商店s that will help you to increase sales and improve customer experience. Watch a video and choose your perfect way to make conversions higher. Suitable for electronics device and gadget 商店s Magento projects.