TM Service Center Installs Website Templates in 3 Hours ONLY

Your preferred template provider tries hard to make it as quick and effortless as possible to tweak our website templates as possible. The launch of TM Service Center is a great proof to that. We know how busy you are running your business and bringing your creative projects to life. That's why we have launched a customer service center - a place to which everyone can refer with regard to the installation and modification of their chosen template.

Building a website on the basis of a ready-made website template is quicker than designing and coding everything from scratch. A theme includes every single piece of functionality needed to launch any web project of yours. You simply need to tweak it a little bit so that the design matches your corporate identity perfectly well. The work with a template starts with its installation. Don't want to waste time waiting until all elements of the theme are installed? Go ahead and order expert theme installation for $49!

Order Theme Installation


Yes, you heard that right! Now, you do not need to waste hours dealing with the learning curve, trying to understand how to get a theme installed on your site. TM Service Center will do everything for you within only 3 hours!

How it works

  1. You order theme installation from TM Service Center.
  2. Soon afterwards TM Service Center specialists will contact you to specify your domain name, FTP and c-panel/hosting account login details.
  3. The theme gets installed within 3 hours.
  4. As soon as the installation has been completed, TM Service Center specialists will be back in touch with you asking you to check and test the installed theme.

TM Service Center Theme Installation Cost

The service costs $49 only.

That's quite a reasonable price for the time and energy that you save on the installation of a website you have purchased, don't you think? 😉 For comparison, Mojo marketplace provides installation of WordPress templates for $49 🙁

So, stop wasting time on what should be a routine job. TM Service Center will do it for you.

Focus on the things that will help you build brand identity and gain public recognition instead!


Order Theme Installation

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Katherine Crayon

copywriter reporting on tech news and all aspects of the web design industry. Anyone looking for more inspirational posts, tips and advice or simply the latest industry news, meet her in person on Quora and Twitter.

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