
你好,伙计们! 今天在座有程序员吗? 你有没有想过最好的 软件开发人员的WordPress主题? 我希望如此,因为今天的主题是关于非常害羞的极客,他们仍然没有一个专业的作品集网站.

Mostly, people say that programmers are too shy to showcase themselves for public. It’s a bit wrong because you can miss really great job opportunities. 通常情况下,雇主们认为沉默会让人感到粗鲁. 当然, you do not need to cry along the streets about your coolness, just build a stunning website to introduce yourself professionally and tastefully.

There is no need to explain to programmers the ways of building websites. But there is a huge need to explain why they need them. 不管是程序员, 设计师, NBA球员, 天才厨师, 或者有其他生活方式的人, he/she needs to stand out because of a high-level competition in modern world.

我们还有 很棒的ppt模板. 利用任何对你有益的东西.

有很多技术熟练的人可以为社会提供多种服务和产品. So, how will your future clients recognize you as the best one among others? 答案是你的投资组合网站, 你将在哪里展示你的简历, 工作领域, 你擅长的服务, 等. In brief, website will help you to sell yourself as profitable as possible.

That’s why we decided to showcase your some really effective 程序员作品集示例 that will help you to make your business portfolio rock! 你所需要做的就是为程序员选择一个最喜欢的WordPress主题,开始一个成功的职业生涯!



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Dreaming about a professional-looking programmer portfolio website? This SEO-friendly theme comes in handy as a great solution to fulfill your needs! 经典总是流行的, so, you’ll definitely will capture any audience with a clean and elegant design. 该主题预装了2个伟大的MotoPress功能:MotoPress滑块,将为您的视频幻灯片增添情趣, 文本, 和图片, and MotoPress Editor that allows you to manage your site’s pages in a visual mode.



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这个完全响应和文档齐全的主题是最好的程序员作品集示例之一. 它有多种博客布局,各种标题 & footer styles, a full-width slider, and 视差 scrolling animation. 用户已经厌倦了超载的网站设计, 这就是为什么你的观众会喜欢这个简洁的,让他们专注于你的IT公司的服务.


Arimo -软件和应用开发WordPress主题

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阿利莫确实是最好的之一 WordPress主题 为开发人员! 充满力量, 它为您提供无代码布局创建, and allows you to enjoy customization process in a real-time mode. 感谢樱桃框架的核心, 你可以使用Cherry projects插件创建一个引人注目的软件项目演示. 干净代码, 伟大的文档, and 24/7 effective support will help you to build the best programmer portfolio ever!



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Studio Light是一个时髦的程序员作品集模板,包含了所有你需要一个强大而连贯的网站. Being fully retina-ready, it has a fully responsive design featured with background video. Pre-built MotoPress addons will help you to save $48, so, 您可以享受模板价格中包含的MotoPress编辑器和MotoPress滑块的功能.


Quadro -软件公司WordPress主题

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Looking for the best theme to showcase your software projects? 满足一个完全响应和完全可编辑的Quadro! 由于有多种布局选项,您可以按照自己喜欢的方式试验页面结构. 此外, feel free to save your masterpieces into the pre-built library, 这将有助于你加快建设进程. 塌塌, 这个主题带有25个专门定制的内容模块,允许您以时尚的方式添加多种类型的内容.



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这个移动应用程序主题预装了一个完全响应的极简设计,具有延迟加载效果和视差动画. 直观的安装过程和良好的文档将帮助您在飞行中创建一个强大的软件网站. 多种颜色选择, 滤过性的组合, and customizable typography will help you to enjoy website building process, 而广泛的自定义小部件允许您构建并保持强大的在线存在.



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如果你正在为程序员寻找一个高生产力和完全响应的WordPress主题,Xsafe是你的目标. WordPress Live Customizer provides you with a real-time editing process, 与此同时, 拖放式Power Page构建器允许您编写专业外观的布局,而无需触及一行代码. 推荐和团队成员模块允许您展示客户对您的产品的反馈,并创建您的开发团队的时尚外观. 这些模块还将帮助你制作一个值得用户信赖的应用商店网站.



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软件新闻是一个完全可编辑和seo友好的主题,将帮助您展示web开发世界作为一个专业人士. 具有延迟加载效果的完全响应式设计将帮助您忘记持久的加载过程. 呈现尽可能多的图像,因为当用户滚动页面时,所有内容都会以渐隐效果显示. 高级搜索将帮助您的访问者通过各种关键字获得即时搜索结果. Google maps integration provides them with your office location, while a neat contact form allows them to reach you in any question.


Sk等hfield WordPress主题

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Looking for the best WordPress theme for developer blog? 满足seo友好和良好的记录Sk等hfield! 这个主题完全是GPL, so, you can use it for as many projects as you need with a one-time theme’s purchase. 内置Bootstrap, 它带有干净且结构良好的代码, 安装方便, 直观的界面. Multiple social icons allow readers to spread a word about your blog in one click, while a neat contact form with help them to reach you in a blink of an eye.


Tune Station WordPress主题

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Tune Station is a cool WordPress theme for developer, who dreams about a powerful website. 这个主题是Monstroid主题家族的一部分, so, you’ll get an effective lifetime support and updates, 超过20个高级插件, 和预加载的motoppress页面生成器. 一个完全响应的设计与迷人的色调, 技术背景, and 视差 animation will make a WOW effect on the audience of every preference. 多种博客布局和各种标题 & footer styles will help you to create a unique look of your software development website.


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这个网页设计师作品集WordPress主题预装了一个完整的樱桃框架功能. Cherry Team Members plugin will help you to present your team in a stylish manner, 而推荐模块将帮助你使你的网页设计网站对你的客户更可靠. 一个时髦的樱桃项目插件可以让你创建一个惊人的详细介绍你的网页设计项目. An advanced search will help your visitors to get all necessary info by means of keywords, while multiple social options will help them to spread a word about you all over the web.


PixelArt WordPress主题

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PixelArt is a great theme to brighten up your website with. 成为怪兽主题家族的一员, 它的核心是Cherry Framework 4, so, you can enjoy Cherry Testimonials and Team Members 插件. 通过提供客户反馈和网页设计专家,他们会让你的网站更加可靠. 一个干净的响应设计与谷歌网页字体, 愉快的音调, and 视差 animation will help to focus your audience on presented content. 专业的预设计页面可以让你很好地展示你的服务和投资组合, 有风格地展示你的愿景和策略, 和更多的!



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设计是一个创意和丰富多彩的主题,是我们最好的视差WordPress主题的一部分. Thanks to a fully responsive design and crossbrowser compatibility, 您的访问者将在每个现代设备和每个浏览器上享受伟大的网站性能. 先进的主题选项和用户友好的管理面板将为您提供简单而愉快的定制过程. Let your customers stay informed of all web design updates with a newsletter subscription, and let them reach you in a matter of few clicks with an in-style contact form.



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Need the best WordPress starter theme 为开发人员? 尝试这个完全可编辑和充分记录的主题,将帮助您满足您的需求. 一个富有成效的响应网站滑块, 视差, 延迟加载, 多种博客布局, 多功能页眉 & 页脚样式为您提供了一个巧妙设计的主题,将为您的网页设计网站增添情趣. 预先设计的页面和各种内容模块将帮助你专业地介绍自己, 而订阅时事通讯将帮助你的访问者了解所有的新闻和事件.



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This is a trendy WordPress theme 为开发人员 that contains a must-have MotoPress Editor. 它允许您以可视化模式管理页面. 一个完全响应的网站滑块,字体图标,延迟加载,谷歌网页字体,多个标题 & 页脚样式和各种博客布局将帮助您的网站吸引受众. 内置Bootstrap, 这个主题是预装在线聊天, so, your clients can get a professional help in any question right on your website.

你怎么看这些主题? What theme would you like to grab for your portfolio? 如果你迫不及待地想看到更多令人惊叹的高科技设计,请仔细看看我们的顶级设计 软件WordPress主题!


:)You’re very welcome to rate and share this post with your friends! We are always happy to see your activity in the comments section. 记住,每个成功的程序员都需要一个很酷的网站,在那里他可以展示自己. Do not hesitate to show people your specialty, skills, and talents. Being and thinking different makes you one step ahead en route to successful career! 祝你好运! 🙂


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Creative writer passionate about WordPress and all that technical stuff. 亲自去见亚历克斯 LinkedIn.



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